Consulting has a four phase process to disaster recovery. Click on a Phase for more information about that section.

Phase 1: Network Capabilities Profile (NCP): Get a snapshot of your current network status. We will provide you with a straight to the point bulleted list of what improvements are recommended to allow you to meet your goals. This phase focuses on your network hardware and infrastructure, getting us familiar with your network and business and allowing us to provide the information you need to build a solid foundation on which your disaster recovery plan will sit.
Phase 2: Security Readiness Profile (SRP): The SRP compares your physical network, operating policies and procedures against industry standards. There are over 10 different categories that we review. The report is prefaced with an Executive Summary showing the numeric grade for each section with a bulleted list of items that we recommend be attended to. We review each item with you and generate a final prioritized list of items that make sense to be addressed in your business. We use that list to create a series of recommendations, time-tables and estimated costs.
Phase 3: Disaster Preparedness Plan (DPP): The final phase of this process is the Disaster Preparedness Plan (DPP). Creation of the DPP is a collaborative process that uses the culminated information of the previous two phases as a foundation. We assist you in choosing which action items need to be addressed now, later and not at all. These choices are based on our experience and your final goal of disaster recovery. At the end of this phase you will know what what needs to be done to get you to the finish line, exactly what it will cost and how long the project will take to implement.
Phase 4: Implementation & Ongoing Support: At this point our technical team will have a unique understanding of your business and disaster recovery goals. We have the experienced people to help you complete the project by providing as little or as much support as you need. In some instances, we provide guidance and support to ensure the project remains on-time and on-budget. In other instances, we perform the complete project up to hand-off to your internal support staff.

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