Network Capabilities Profile

Our Network Capabilities Profile (NCP) is the first phase of the process. We will review your network and snapshot of what it’s current network status. We provide you with a straight to the point bulleted list of where you stand with your network and what improvements are recommended to allow you to meed your goals. This phase focuses on your network hardware and infrastructure, getting us familiar with your network and business and allowing us to provide the information you need to build a solid foundation on which your disaster recovery plan will sit. This will focus on your specific areas of concern also include reviewing some of the following items:

  • Internet Access
  • Servers
  • Workstations
  • Physical Security
  • Network Infrastructure
    • Switches
    • Wireless

All of this information is compared against industry standards and your overall goals of network reliability and disaster recovery. We will compile a straight-to-the-point and in “King’s English” summary report with target items, and straightforward recommendations with estimated costs and time-lines that help you make informed decisions about what steps to take next.

Call us today at 860.450.1737 or email us at

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